October 19, 2022

Performing Rami on someones behalf



Assalamu alaikum wrwb brother, could you please answer a question for me. As Ramee is a wajibat element of hajj and If for some reason the husband decides that it’s genuinely too dangerous for the wife to do ramee herself and does it on her behalf , is her hajj valid without expiation of a sheep? Or does she have to do the sacrifice? The above was done without prior knowledge that Ramee is a wajib element of Hajj. Also what if after Arafah , the husbands mother falls ill and his sister takes his mother back home abroad and he does the ramee on their behalf , is their hajj valid without doing the sacrifice or does it become necessary for them to do the sacrifice also? If sacrifice is needed, does it need to be done within the haram boundary or can it be done anywhere with the intention of it being for the heedless omisson of Ramee? (As they don’t live anywhere near Saudi Arabia). Also if sacrifice is required , Does it need to be a sheep?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

حامدا و مصليا و مسلما


We have received your query dated 28/09/2022, our response is as follows:

1) Rami is a Wajib component in Hajj. If the Rami of any day was left out or the Rami of Jamaratul Aqabah was left out on the day of Yaumun Nahr (10th Zhul Hijjah),  then Damm will be necessary i.e. one will have to slaughter a goat.[1]

Hadrat Moulana Yusuf Ludhyani rahimahullah mentions in Aap Ke Masaail Aur Unka Hal :

“There is no rush at night, women should pelt at that time, it is not correct for someone to pelt on behalf of women, however if someone is sick, to the extent that one cannot perform the Rami, then someone may make Rami on that persons behalf”[2]

2) If the mother was extremely ill to the extent that she could not complete the Rami, then in such a case, the son performing the Rami on behalf of his mother will be correct. [3]

The Jurists have described a sick person as someone who, due to illness is permitted to sit and offer Salaah. In addition, they say that if it is possible to carry the sick person to the Jamaraat without the fear of him experiencing immense difficulty and without there being a fear that this will delay recovery then it will not be permissible to appoint a representative. Rather, it will then be essential that he discharge it by himself by means of taking help from others.

Notwithstanding the above, it would be more virtuous if a stone is put in the hands of the person who is a child, an invalid or insane person and they themselves throw or they are supported in throwing by physically moving their hands for them.[4]

3) The goat needs to be slaughtered in the Haram vicinity. One may appoint a representative in the Haram to slaughter on one’s behalf.[5]

4) A goat which fulfils the criteria of Qurbani needs to be slaughtered.[6] One may refer to Bahishti Zewar for more details.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Answered by:

Muhammad Irshad Motara

19th Rabiul Awwal 1444

16th October 2022

Checked & Approved by:

(Mufti) Musayyab Sahib

19th Rabiul Awwal 1444

16th October 2022

[1] (او رمى الجمار كلها او رمي يوم) أي بترك رمي الجمار في الأيام كلها وهو أربعة أيام او في يوم واحد يوجب دما واحدا لأنه من الواجبات فيجب بتركه الدم ويكفيه دم واحد (تبيين الحقائق: ج٢، ص٣٧٤-بيروت)

مجمع الأنهر : ج ١، ص ٢٩٤، بيروت

بدائع الصنائع: ص ٣٢٢ الى ٣٢٦، ج ٢- رشيدية

غنية الناسك في بغية المناسك (ص ٤٥)

فتاوي محمودية : ص ٤٣٣ و ٤٣٦-ج ١٠-فاروقية

معلم الحجاج: ص ١٧٦

[2] مكمل و مدلل: ج ٥. ص ٢٩٣.  

[3] [3] مكمل و مدلل: ج ٥. ص ٢٩٣.  

غنية الناسك في بغية المناسك (ص ٢٣٩)

أراد بالترك لغير عذر اما اذا ترك واجبا لعذر فانه لا شيء عليه .. (البحر الرائق: ج٣، ص٢٣-سعيد)

[4] Darul Ifta Azaadville Archives

[5] فتاوي محمودية : ص ٤٣٦-ج ١٠-فاروقية

[6] ثم في كل موضع وجب فيه الدم تجزيه الشاة الا من جامع بعد الوقوف بعرفة او طاف للزيارة جنبا او حائضا او نفساء (تبيين الحقائق: ج٢، ص ٣٥٤-بيروت)

(منها ما يوجب دما) …والدم حيث أطلق يراد به الشاة وهي تجزي في كل شي الا في موضعين … (حاشية الطحطاوي على المراقي: ص ٧٤١-قديمي)

غنية الناسك في بغية المناسك (ص ٢٤٠)

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