March 2, 2024

Marrying the Ahlul Kitab



Al salamu Alikum W Rahmtu Allah w Barakatu. I met this girl and we have been talking for 5 months. She is a Christian, but she does not go to the church anymore. And she had sexual intercorse outside of marriage some time BEFORE we met. We never had sex. We just talk mostly online because we live in different countries. But we met when she was visiting New Zealand. Is it halal for us to get Islamic marriage given that she is a Christian? We also love each other and I can see how respectful and admitting of how Islamic laws and commandments are making sense the more she is reading about it now (and to be honest I can see her leaning into accepting Islam). But also she doesn’t just want to convert for the sake of marriage in fear she would feel like she was coerced into it in the future and that it didn’t come from believing in the religion. Is there anyway for us for an Islamic marriage without her converting before marriage?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

حامدا و مصليا و مسلما


We have received your query relating to marrying a Christian, our response is as follows:

It is Allah Ta’ala that has placed in your heart the concern to do that what pleases him. For this reason you are asking your question. May Allah Ta’ala keep you firm on his Deen.

The Ulama have written that Muslims should avoid marriage to Christians due to various reasons. Marrying a Christian is detrimental for your own Iman and the Iman for your future offspring. Furthermore, many Christian’s do not believe in their religion, her not attending Church also alludes towards this.

Hadrat Umar radiyallahu anhu would also prohibit Muslims from marrying the Ahlul Kitab (refer to Kitabul Athar; Imam Muhammad bin Hasan rahimahullah etc).

Therefore, we advise you that she first reverts to Islam and then you marry her with the Duas of your parents.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Answered by:

Muhammad Irshad Motara

28th Rajab 1445

9th February 2024

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