About us

The Darul Ifta/Ask Fatwa (institute of Islamic Jurisprudence) is the Fatwa department of Darul Uloom Arabia Islamia N.Z  (and a faculty of Auckland Islamic Trust). The objective of the Darul Ifta is to facilitate ease for Muslims across the globe to seek correct Islamic rulings on circumstances and issues they may experience.

Previously questions were received on the AskFatwa website, Alhamdulillah various questions via email and WhatsApp were answered over a period of approximately ten years. After taking the Duas of our Mashaaikh and elders, the Darul Ifta has commenced this website with the help of Allah Ta’ala to assist the Ummah in various ways. The Darul Ifta is a non-profit body which strives to assist the community in solving issues facing the Ummah.

The Darul Ifta also conducts a rigorous Ifta training course of two years for Ulama and also provides other services free of charge. Please refer to the services page for more detail.

If you have any questions relating to Islam than please do not hesitate to get in contact with the Darul Ifta.

The Darul Ifta is run by (Mufti) Muhammad Irshad Motara, a graduate of the Alim and Ifta course of Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Azaadville S.A. Other Ulama-e-Kiraam also assist in the Darul Ifta.

Disclaimer: Please note, the Darul Iftaa is not an Islamic Shari’ah Law Court; hence, the opinions provided by us are not intended to be a ruling as one would expect to receive from a Shari’ah Court. The aim is to provide a better understanding of issues from an Islamic perspective. We also take no responsibility if our answers are used out of their intended context, nor of any party who may or may not act upon them. The Darul Iftaa being hereby exempted from loss or damage howsoever caused.