November 22, 2021

Car dispute


Asalamalaykum Ustaad this is the question 

Seller: zayd – Buyer : amr

I zayd have driven my car for approximately 3-4 months the car has driven long distances and was in good condition I wanted to tell my car so I gave it to amr to sell on my behalf at his car yard , amr was driving the car himself when he was not supposed to , last week on Saturday amr told me he wanted to buy the car and he said that yes I want to buy the car and he even offered to bring half the money for the car now and the rest later , when Monday came amr called me and said that the car loses power after being driven for a few Kms , so he says if the car is fixable at a cheap price hell keep it if not he’ll give it back to me 

Is he allowed to do that?? Also who is liable for the car having a problem as I gave the car to amr in good condition and he drove it and now it’s got that problem 


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

حامدا و مصليا و مسلما


We acknowledge the receipt of your query. Please excuse us for the belated reply. 

Our response is as follows:

With regards to the above scenario there are a few issues of concern:

1) According to Islamic jurisprudence Amr is termed as a Wakeel (agent). His responsibility was to sell the car on behalf of his Muwakkil (Zaid). It was not permissible for him to utilise the car, therefore he will be liable for the deficiency which he had caused. [1]

2) Thereafter the Wakeel (Amr) had offered to purchase the car. Principally, it is not permissible for the Wakeel to purchase the car himself. However, this will be permissible according to the above mentioned case due to the Muwakill permitting the Wakeel to do so.[2]

3) The existence of the transaction will depend on the wordings utilised, if Amr merely said he wishes to purchase the car than this will not be regarded as a transaction. However, according to the information furnished to us via Hafidh Sahib that Amr had offered to purchase the car and Zaid had agreed than this transaction will be valid. [3]

4) If the transaction was conducted correctly and then Amr decided to return the car due to the extra mileage than because the increased mileage was known by the purchaser therefore it will not be permissible for him to return the car. Together with this, if the car was utilised by the purchaser after having knowledge about the defect then too he will not permitted to return the car.[4]

And Allah Ta’ala knows best.

Muhammad Irshad Motara

Jumadal Ukhra 1437 

18th March 2016

Checked and approved by:

Mufti Musayyab Sahib

Jumadal Ukhra 1437 

18th March 2016

[1] فتاوى حقانية-365-6 و امداد الفتاوى-319-3 – .

[2] و ان امر الموكل انه يبيعه من نفسه او اولاده الصغار او ممن لا تقبل شهادته فباع منه جاز

( رد المحتار –كتاب الوكالة-4-450)

[3] و كذلك لو قال المشترى اشتريت بكذا فقال البائع رضيت او امضيت او اجزت كذا فى الاختيار شرح المختار

( الفتاوى الهندية-3-ج-4ص)

[4] و منها : جهل المشترى بوجوب العيب عند العقد و القبض….الخ

( بدائع –548)

ان كل تصرف يوجد من المشترى فى المشترى بعد العلم بالعيب يدل على الرضا بالعيب يسقط الخيار و يلزم البيع

( بدائع -4-557 و الهندية-75-3)

لا يكون المشترى مخيرا بخيار العيب فى مسائل: ..الثانية:اذا اشترى المشترى المبيع و هو عالم بما فيه من العيب.

(284-1-درر الحكام شرج مجلة الاحكام)

اذا ذكر البائع ان فى المبيع عيب كذا و كذا و قبل المشترى مع علمه بالعيب لا يكون له الخيار بسبب ذلك العيب.  لا يكون للمشترى خيار العيب ..ثانيا-اذا رأى المشترى ذلك العيب وقت الشراء و اشتراء مع علمه بالعيب.

(294-1-درر الحكام شرج مجلة الاحكام)

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