March 8, 2022

Mahdawiyah Sect


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Respected and Honorable Scholars of Islam.

 Question 1) What do the honourable Ulema say about this topic – whether the Mahdi as promised in the sacred Ahadith has already come and gone from this world or whether Mahdi has not yet come.

Question 2) During the rule of Mughal Emporer around 1500 CE, a person by the name of Syed Mohammed Jawnpuri declared himself as the promised Mahdi in Makkah and India at least twice. His followers are mainly in Hyderabad India, and some other parts of India. They are known as the Mahdavi sect. They believe Syed Mohammed Jawnpuri as the promised Mahdi and claim that anyone who doesn’t accept Syed Mohammed Jawnpuri as the promised Mahdi is a kafir. There are many
seekers of truth in the Mahdaviya community who will accept the truth if the honourable Ulema can clearly explain this matter.

It will be beneficial to list all the Alaamat of Mahdi listed in the Sahih Ahadeeth and state for each alaamat (sign of Mahdi) why it is not satisfied by Syed Mohammed Jawnpuri thus disqualifying his claim of Mahdi. The details for question 1 and 2 are requested because there are many innocent people in the Mahdaviya community who do not know the truth.

And if they see the details Insha Allah they can be guided to the truth.

جزاكم الله خيرا

Was Salaam


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

حامدا و مصليا و مسلما


We have received your query regarding the Mahdawiyah sect,  we apologise for the belated reply, this was due to the Darul Ifta being closed, our response is as follows:

Based on our research, Imam Mahdi Radhiyallahu Anhu has not appeared openly to this date , any claims of a person being the Mahdi are therefore false. 

Inshallah, we will now explain why Syed Mohammed Jawnpuri was not the Mahdi and that his claim was false.

We will suffice on two Ahadeeth which mention Imam Mahdi , both are found in Sunan Abu Dawud and both Ahadeeth are sound and correct to be narrated from:

  1. Abdullah bin Masood ‏رضي الله عنهrelated that Rasulullah  ‏ صلى الله عليه وسلمsaid, ‘Even if there remains from this world a single day, Allah would prolong that day until a man from me or from my descendants is sent. His name will the same as my name and his father’s name will be the same as my father’s name.’ (Abu Dawood).
  • Umm Salmah radiyallahu anha reported that she heard  Rasulullah ‏ صلى الله عليه وسلمsay, ‘The Mahdi is from the people of my household, from the descendants of Fatimah radiyallahu anha.’ (Abu Dawood).[1]

From the above Ahadeeth we learn that Imam Mahdi Radhiyallahu Anhu is from the progeny of ‏ ‏ Rasulullah  صلى الله عليه وسلم , and it is clear that Syed Mohammed Jawnpuri is not from the progeny of Rasulullah  صلى الله عليه وسلم therefore it is impossible for him to be the Mahdi.[2]

Another point we would like to make clear is that Rasulullah  ‏ صلى الله عليه وسلم has said that his father’s name will be the same as my father’s name , Syed Mohammed Jawnpuri’s fathers name was not Abdullah and he tried to change his father’s name to match that of Rasulullah ‏ صلى الله عليه وسلم. [3]

Lastly, it is well known in many Ahadeeth that Imam Mahdi will lead the Ummah in war and it is very well known that Syed Mohammed Jawnpuri did not participate in any wars. [4]

The above three points will suffice as proof for a genuine seeker of truth to come to the conclusion that Syed Mohammed Jawnpuri was NOT Imam Mahdi Radhiyallahu Anha and we are still waiting for his arrival. 

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Answered by:

(Mufti) Abdushakoor Salim

2nd Sha’ban 1443

4th March 2022

Checked and approved by:

 (Mufti) Muhammad Irshad Motara

2nd Sha’ban 1443

4th March 2022


[2] عنْ ‌عَبْدِ اللهِ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ: «لَوْ لَمْ يَبْقَ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا إِلَّا يَوْمٌ قَالَ زَائِدَةُ فِي حَدِيثِهِ: لَطَوَّلَ اللهُ ذَلِكَ الْيَوْمَ ثُمَّ اتَّفَقُوا، حَتَّى يَبْعَثَ رَجُلًا مِنِّي أَوْ مِنْ أَهْلِ بَيْتِي، يُوَاطِئُ اسْمُهُ اسْمِي وَاسْمُ أَبِيهِ اسْمَ أَبِي

سنن ابي داود، ص ١١٧٢-١١٧٤، ج ٢

سنن ابي داود، ص ١١٧٢، ج ٢

[3] وأعجب منه صنيع الجنبوري، (قال أبو رجاء محمد الشاه جهانبوري في (الهدية المهدية): إن الجنبوري -واسمه محمد بن يوسف الحسيني- لم يمنع أصحابه من ذلك، (أي من نسبة المهدوية إليه)، وبدل اسم أبيه بعبدالله، واسم أمه بآمنة، وأشاعهما في الناس

الموسوعة العقدية – الدرر السنية، ص ٢٣٧، ج ٤

فتاوي رحيميه ج ١ ص ١٧٩

[4] فتاوى محموديه، ج ٢، ص ٣٠٠

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