October 26, 2021

Breastfeeding and Menstruation



Assalamualaikum Mufti Saheb. I need clarification in two masla.

1- Is it not allowed to breastfeed a baby who is more than two years old. In other words is it a must for the baby to stop being brestfeed when they turn 2 years.

2- Whats the ruling if the ladies have mensuration more than once in a month.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

حامدا و مصليا و مسلما


We received your query regarding breastfeeding and menstruation:.

Our response is as follows:

1) Allah Ta’ala has mentioned in the Noble Qur’aan:

وَالْوَالِدَاتُ يُرْضِعْنَ أَوْلَادَهُنَّ حَوْلَيْنِ كَامِلَيْنِ لِمَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يُتِمَّ الرَّضَاعَة

And mothers should suckle their children for complete two years, for him who intends to complete the period of suckling”

Under this Aayah (verse) the (previous) grand Mufti of Pakistan Mufti Muhammad Shafi Rahimahullah has mentioned in his monumental masterpiece “Ma’ariful Qur’aan” that breast feeding can only be done in the span of two years of the child. Thereafter, it will not be permissible to breastfeed the child.

 (Bahishti Zewar- Fataawa raheemiyah- Pg 249/8- Mariful Qur’aan- VL-1- pg 580- Al Lubaab 163pg- Vl-2)

2) Regarding the menstruation of a woman, a few broad principles should be kept in mind:

Firstly, one needs to remember that the minimum amount of days for a women’s menstruation period is three complete days and nights (72 hours). 

Together with this, the maximum period of a woman’s periods is ten days and ten nights (240 hours). 

Now regarding her days of purity, the minimum amount of days is fifteen days and nights and generally there is no maximum except in some certain conditions.  (Durrul Mukhtaar- Vl-1, Pg 284- Saeed)

Based on the above, if a woman experiences bleeding within her days of purity i.e. 15 days, then this bleeding will be regarded as Istihaazah. The ruling of Istihaazah is that she will have to make Wudhu for every Namaaz time, with that Wudhu she is allowed to perform Salaah, read Quraan and perform Tawaaf. The Wudhu will break with the expiring of the Namaaz time. (Imdaadul Fattaah)

Therefore, if a woman has her periods for three days on the beginning of the month and thereafter she has fifteen days of purity and then again in the same month she has three days of bleeding then in this way one will have ones periods twice in one month.

We advise that you ascertain how many days you have your periods and how many days of purity. If you still remain unclear then please do not hesitate to email us the menstruation description.

And Allaah Ta’ala knows best

Muhammad Irshad Motara

11th Feburary 2013

29th Rabeeul Thaani

Checked and approved by:

Mufti Musayyab Sahib

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